O que é o arquivo .htaccess? Como edita-lo?

O .htaccess é um arquivo de site poderoso que controla a configuração de alto nível do seu site. Em servidores que executam Apache (um software de servidor web), o .htaccess permite que você faça alterações na configuração do seu site sem precisar editar os arquivos de configuração do servidor.

Neste guia do arquivo .htaccess, respondemos o que é o arquivo .htaccess, como usar o arquivo .htaccess e como localizá-lo em seu servidor e muito mais.

Localização .htaccess

Onde está localizado o arquivo .htaccess?

O Apache (o software que alimenta seu servidor web) é configurado para que todos os arquivos chamados .htaccess fiquem ocultos. Por que? Os arquivos contêm informações importantes de configuração e podem ser usados ​​para comprometer seu servidor.

Embora o arquivo esteja oculto, o local do arquivo .htaccess é mais comumente encontrado no site do seu site. public_html pasta.
localização do htaccess

Você pode acessar seu arquivo .htaccess de algumas maneiras diferentes:

    Do gerenciamento de arquivos da sua conta de hospedagem (como via cPanel)
    De um cliente SFTP ou FTP

Dica: Se você não vir o arquivo .htaccess na pasta public_html, talvez seja necessário marcar “Mostrar arquivos ocultos”.

Depois de abrir o arquivo .htaccess, ele deverá ficar parecido com isto:
conteúdo do arquivo htaccess
Usos comuns do arquivo .htaccess

Existem vários casos de uso para o arquivo .htaccess. Os exemplos mais comuns incluem:

    Adicione redirecionamentos para determinados URLs
    Carregue páginas de erro personalizadas, como páginas 404
    Force seu site a usar HTTPS em vez de HTTP
    Proteja com senha determinados diretórios em seu servidor
    Impedir hotlinks

Usar arquivos .htaccess é uma ferramenta poderosa para gerenciar seu servidor, mas pode ser complicado. Certifique-se de estar familiarizado com as alterações em seu servidor antes de começar a editar arquivos .htaccess.
Nota: Antes de tentar qualquer uma das coisas descritas neste guia, recomendamos fortemente que você faça um backup do arquivo .htaccess e de todo o seu site WordPress (como com um plugin de backup do WordPress como BackupBuddy). Se você não se sentir confortável em fazer alterações em seu arquivo .htaccess, talvez seja necessário entrar em contato com um desenvolvedor de site.
Usando vários arquivos .htaccess

Você pode aplicar configurações diferentes a diretórios diferentes em seu servidor usando vários arquivos .htaccess. Você pode, teoricamente, criar um arquivo .htaccess em qualquer diretório do seu servidor, criando e fazendo upload de um arquivo de texto simples.

Aqui estão algumas coisas que você deve ter em mente:

    Geralmente, você deseja minimizar o número de arquivos .htaccess em seu servidor porque muitas configurações podem tornar seu servidor lento.
    Quando seu servidor vê um arquivo .htaccess em um diretório, ele também procura arquivos .htaccess em todos os diretórios pais, aumentando o uso de recursos do servidor.
    Os arquivos .htaccess que estão no topo do caminho do arquivo sempre têm precedência.

Comece com confiança – sem risco e garantido
Como editar seu .htaccess

Se você precisar editar seu .htaccess, você precisará baixar o arquivo existente usando seu cliente FTP ou através do sistema de acesso a arquivos do seu host, como no cPanel.

O seu site .htaccess já pode conter configurações importantes. Se seu .htaccess tiver configurações existentes, adicione o novo código ao que já está lá.
Nota: Não exclua o existente .htaccess file unless it is empty or you are absolutely sure it is okay to delete it.
How to Redirect URLs with the .htaccess File

If you decide to change domain names or change the organization of your site, you can set up URL redirects to make sure your website visitors aren't confused. An easy way to do this is with .htaccess files.

To edit your .htaccess file, you will need to re-create the file yourself and upload it to the server using SFTP.

    1.  Log into your server via SFTP.
    2.  Locate and download your .htaccess file. It will usually be located in your content folder. If you don't have a .htaccess file, you can create a file called .htaccess on your computer to hold your configurations.
    3.  Open the file via your favorite text editor
    4.  Add these lines to your file:

    # enable basic rewriting
    RewriteEngine on

    5.  Copy and paste your new configurations into the .htaccess file and save the file.
    6.  Upload this back to the directory you originally took your .htaccess file from.
    7.  Test your work by going to your website and viewing the pages you wanted to redirect.

You can also use the .htaccess file to redirect individual pages on your website using 301 and 302 redirects.
URL Rewrites with .htaccess

Rewrites are similar to redirects because they also point one target URL to another URL, but this is actually converted by the web server while handling the traffic. Think of it as using a pencil and eraser to change a name as opposed to using a sign to point to the new name.

The most common URL rewrites force sites to have URLs either with or without www in the URL.
Forcing Non-WWW Site Addresses

When you add this information to your .htaccess file, any visitors who type in www.mysite.com will be sent to mysite.com.

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^mysite\.com
RewriteRule (.*) http://mysite.com/$1 [R=301,L]

Replace mysite.com with your domain. If you have a different top-level domain (e.g., .net or .org instead of .com), use that top-level domain instead of .com/ Don't remove the "\" as it is needed for the correct syntax.
Forcing WWW Site Addresses with .htaccess

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mysite.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.mysite.com/$1 [L,R=301]

Replace mysite.com with your domain. If you have a different top-level domain (e.g., .net or .org instead of .com), use that top-level domain instead of ".com." Note: Don't remove the "\" as it is needed for the correct syntax.
Creating a Custom 404 Error Page with .htaccess

What is a 404 page? A 404 page is actually an error message that displays for pages that don’t actually exist on a website. A 404 page usually reads “Page Not Found” but you can also find examples of funny 404 pages that have been customized to give website visitors a better experience.

Error pages are a part of any website. No matter what, website visitors will sometimes encounter error pages. If you use custom error pages, you can turn an error page into a positive experience with funny 404 pages.

Next, we'll show how to add custom error pages to your websites using .htaccess.
arquivo 404htaccess

Before you set up your error pages, you'll need to create your error pages. You can do this however you'd like:  hand coding your page, using a site builder or another way. When you're done building your error page, save the file so it can be uploaded to your server.

Now to set up custom error pages, you will edit your website's .htaccess file.

    1.  Before editing your .htaccess file, upload your customized error pages to your server. You can do this via SFTP. Put these files in the content directory for your website.
    2.  Log into your server via SFTP using the FTP program of your choice.
    3.  Download the .htaccess file that corresponds to the domain where you want to use custom error pages.
    4.  Open this file in a text editor and add this information:

    # serve custom error pages
    ErrorDocument 400 /errors/400.html

    5.  Replace /errors/400.html with the file path to an error page you have uploaded. This example has "400," for a 400 error.
    6.  Add as many lines as needed, changing the error number and the file path as needed.

    ErrorDocument 500
    ErrorDocument 404

    7.  When you're done adding to your .htaccess file, save and exit the file.  Then upload it back to the directory you got it from.
    8.  Finally, test your website to make sure your error pages are functioning.

Forcing HTTPS with .htaccess

If you want to make sure every website visitor is using a secure (SSL) connection, you can use .htaccess rules to redirect insecure traffic. This will redirect http://mysite.com to https://mysite.com. Of course, this will only work if you have an SSL installed for your domain. To that end, all iThemes Hosting accounts do come with a free Let's Encrypt SSL.

To redirect every website visitor to a secure connection, add this rule to the .htaccess file for the website you'd like the redirect:

#force SSL on entire site
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://mysite.com/$1 [R=301,L]

You will need to replace mysite.com with the actual domain of your site.
Password Protecting Directories with .htaccess

During development, testing and creation of your website, you may want to password protect your site until it's ready for public viewing. You may also have specific pages or web directories you'd like to lock down to specific users. The .htaccess file is a powerful tool to help you accomplish this within the iThemes Hosting framework. Next, we'll walk through creating a password to protect your website, directories and other components of your site.

    1.  First, you will need access to the Document Root for the site. This is where you will house the .htaccess file and also the .htpasswd file in order to password protect your site. The file path will look something like this:


    It will be found in the SFTP information section with the title of "Path" on your iThemes Hosting page in Sync. Make sure you are using the FTP Information path and not the UNIX Path.
    Arquivo .htaccess - FTPInfo
    2.  The .htpasswd file should be placed one directory up from the site root and kept separate from the .htaccess file.

    Note:  Placing the .htpasswd file above the content/ folder is safer since it is not directly accessible via a web browser.
    3.  You will need to generate the syntax for the .htaccess and the .htpasswd files. You can use any site you'd like but for the purpose of this article, I am using http://tools.dynamicdrive.com.
    4.  Once you follow the steps to create the files, you will need to place the syntax on your server. If you already have a .htaccess file on your site, you can append the file and add the additional syntax.
    5.  Upload the .htpasswd file to the location you determined in step 2.
    6.  Check the permissions of the files to make sure the users you want to have permissions will be able to access them.

Hotlink Protection with .htaccess

What is hotlinking? When creating a website, admins usually add images and other content to make the website look better and add some character. In doing so, you usually upload an image and add it to your pages to be viewed. It is also possible, though not recommended, to use images that have been uploaded by others without needing to download and then upload that image to your site. This is called hotlinking.

Unfortunately, for people whose images have been hotlinked by other websites, they will likely notice an increase in their server resource usage as the new site using those images will be using your server's resources.

Fortunately, you can prevent this by enabling hotlink protection on your site. Here is how to go through the process of enabling hotlink protection on your site.

    1.  First, you will need to sign into your site via SFTP
    2.  You will now need to download the .htaccess file from your /web/content folder
    3.  Once you've got the .htaccess file on your computer you will want to add the following lines to that file:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)mydomain.com/.*$ [NC]
    RewriteRule \.

    4.  Make sure that you alter mydomain.com to match your domain. Also, please be sure that you do not modify any other code within the .htaccess file.
    5.  Once you've added the above lines, you will then want to upload the .htaccess file back to your /web/content directory
    6.  Once uploaded, disconnect from SFTP and check your site to make sure that there are no errors.

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